99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016

Hostile Work Environment Lawyer in New York Ny

Are You Working In A Hostile Environment?

Working in a Hostile Environment

No one should have to endure a hostile environment in the workplace. Under the law, a hostile work environment occurs when supervisors, managers or co-workers create a pattern of offensive behavior. For instance, a pattern of offensive comments, threats, assaults, offensive pictures, or other behavior that would intimidate or offend a reasonable person is a hostile work environment. A single act of harassment, if very severe, can also constitute a hostile work environment. While you may be unsure whether you face a hostile work environment, a skilled employment attorney can provide the guidance you need.

At the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates, our lawyers represent employees facing all types of discrimination and harassment at work. We represent employees across New York City and beyond.

Helping People Facing All Types Of Harassment At Work

Many people associate a hostile work environment with sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is only one kind of hostile work environment, however. Employers that create or allow a hostile work environment based on a person’s race, age, disability, religion or other factors are breaking the law. Employers who commit acts of harassment in the workplace or fail to take appropriate actions to prevent harassment can be held responsible in an employment discrimination lawsuit.

If you have been harassed at work, it is important to report this harassment to your company’s Human Resources department or your supervisor. By doing so, your employer will have to take appropriate measures to stop this harassment. Our team of lawyers will carefully build a strong case aimed at helping you recover all available damages under the law. We prepare every case knowing that trial is a possibility. Our intensive focus often leads to favorable settlements for our clients. In every harassment and hostile work environment case, we are devoted to helping our clients vindicate their rights and overcome this outrageous conduct.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With Us Today

In your free, confidential consultation, we will be ready to discuss your situation in detail. Call our midtown Manhattan law firm at 800-544-0484 or email us to get started.

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